Do you realize that you're caught up in the middle of the Golden Circle?
In Simon Sinek's powerful talk on How Great Leaders Inspire Action, he outlines what he calls the world's simplest idea - one so simple and yet so profound that it completely changed the way that he thinks about his world and how he functions in the world. The idea is simple, indeed. Instead of selling people on "what you do or what you have" or convincing them that you've mastered "how it will help or how it works better", to inspire true loyalty and action one must find those who "buy in to the why."
Coupling this with the idea that Derek Sivers offers in How to Start a Movement of the value and importance of nurturing the "first follower", any aspiring leader or motivated individual can be empowered with the reality of actually making a difference.
So what? What does this mean for students here at BYU? What does this have to do with your average, Utah county born and raised, chinese-speaking, white boy? Well, as I think about it, it both validates and offers an explanation to any "success" that I've had thus far in my life. Why was I able to have success? It's because somehow I was able to relay a common belief through "what" I was doing and "how" I went about doing it. Someone saw that and intrinsically picked me as worthwhile - the followed themselves by following what I believed, too.
As for the future, this will enable me to articulate clearer what exactly it is that I believe in. Also, I know to ask others what it is that makes them tick. "Mr. Boss, why do you work here?", "President, what is it about this company that has caused you to dedicate so much of your life to it?" As for me, well my niche of belief is that I know that our Chinese and Taiwanese friends have the same basic desires as we do - I know I can connect with them and help them have a happier life. To my future employers, "Do you want someone who is passionate about helping Chinese people live a happier life?" If you do, I'm your man! I will be loyal to you and loyal to them - because I know I can find that they are loyal to that which we are both loyal to.
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